Dec 29, 2020
Do you work for a living or are you living for your work? The story we tell ourselves about our life and career influences our practice of work.
Discovering a career path that fits who we are is a practical journey—and it starts with our own story.
Join Ashley Stahl and Tricia Brouk as they discuss and discover the...
Dec 22, 2020
Uprooting everything and transplanting yourself into a new situation could be necessary for you to take the next steps into living an authentic life.
Whether you are uprooted, thinking of a major change, or looking for growth and change principles, you need to address your own story. How we structure the story of our...
Dec 15, 2020
When you have a pair of shoes that make a blister we have options to solve a very real problem. Reality moves us to make an adjustment that can range from not ever wearing the shoes again to “just living with it.” No matter what we do, or don’t do, we adjust our lives to these blister making shoes.
All challenges,...
Dec 8, 2020
You remember, relate, and identify with people more than an idea.
That’s why speakers who share their personal stories in relationship to an idea massively increase the potential for a deep, rich, and memorable audience connection.
When Darieth Chisolm took on an “unspoken problem” through her own...
Dec 1, 2020
Growth takes courage.
Courage is an important ingredient to stir up change and growth in our lives and society. Courage also gives us the power to stick with the new life we are creating.
Ming Shelby knows that courageous people are needed in every part of society to make lasting change. Ming is a Big Talk...